What We Do
At Jean Marie Farish Center for Conscious Loving, LLC we offer life care coaching, classes, speaking engagements, and creative services project consultations to cultivate love. Empower your life with love. Listen to LOVE LIGHT, World Talk Radio Empowerment Show with Dr. Jean Marie, LOVE LIGHT Host (Live Fridays 9:00 Pacific/11:00 CST/12:00 EST) Show Link ... https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/3934/love-light
Mission and Philosophy
Jean Marie Farish Center for Conscious Loving, LLC inspires you to cultivate a lifestyle of love and wholehearted connections through worthiness. We operate on the foundation of the Wholistic Model of Love, adopted from Henry Drummond, that includes nine ingredients in the 'Recipe of Love': Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Humility, Courtesy, Unselfishness, Good Temper, Guilessness, and Sincerity.
We are also grounded in the "4 Universal Principles for Conscious Loving" including: Love Yourself, Live Your Potential, Love Wholeheartedly, and Live by Higher Ideals. Visit: https://blog.sivanaspirit.com/mf-gn-conscious-loving/
Educational Programs
Community Centers
Our Services
Online Classes
Life-Care Coaching
Healing Arts Service Project Consultations
Speaking Engagements
Well-Being and Personal Growth
Conscious Loving
Wellness and Wholistic Living in Everyday Life
Wholehearted Relationship Building
Jump Start Your Career With Volunteerism
Classes and Workshops
“Flourish in love and master your life”
Online Classes
Online classes offered at Millsaps College Community Enrichment Program.
Cultivating Loving Relationships Master Class
Transformational Writing: How to Find Your Voice
Speaking Engagements
Transformational Relationships
Transformational Leadership
Educating for Purposeful Living
Wholistic Model of Love
Self-Love and Self-Care
Wellness and Wholistic Living in Everyday Life
Resources Section
Dr. Jean Marie Farish Authored Books
Foreword By Dr. Jean Marie Farish
Poetry Tributes to Anwar Fazal, Poems By Anwar Fazal, and About Anwar Fazal
Dato' Dr. Anwar Fazal was a honorable Guest on LOVE LIGHT "Right Livelihood: Peace, Justice, and the Environment" (5/29/20). Listen on-demand:
My Joy Journal
-Video Trailer of My Joy Journal (Available in English and Spanish)
Books Co-Authored and Radio Interviews
Magazine Feature Stories
I Am Love
Every time you see a mirror, look into your own eyes and say, "I love you." Remind yourself that you are worthy, light, and love.
Reflection of Henry Drummond
“Is life not full of opportunities for learning love? Every man and woman everyday has a thousand of them. Greatest thing in the world.”
We’re Here to Help